Day 24 (Stronger)

May 31, 2022

I awoke today feeling strong. I talked to my camp mate who I avoided all evening. Turns out he is wonderful, had biked from Berlin, and had interesting stories about over landing in Mongolia. Thanks Moe!

I gobbled down the little bit of my food I had remaining which was meat sticks and old bread. I set off. My goal was Fulda and I held a strong pace earlier on. I’ve found I tend to start to slow down and not pedal with gusto after 2 PM so I made a point to pedal hard early and not make too many stops.

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The scenery started to change. The route was peppered with a bunch of tiny surprise hills, which while brief, had ridiculous grades.

My mind is pretty empty today.

While trying to figure out where I was staying (no camping tonight due to a chance of rain and my electronics being dead. I should have brought a solar panel.) some gentleman shouted something at me and I laughed. His wife hit him. It was probably offensive. Everything was weirdly expensive, but I found a hostel with a private bed for €52 + breakfast.

It’s in…a school I think? I can see a child playing in a sandbox not ten feet outside my window and there are children running up and down the halls. Kinda weird.

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That’s all. I’m heading to the grocery store to get a large haul. The plan for tomorrow is Kassel, Germany.

Written by Matt Pendergraft , musing on technology and random travelogue things