Day 30 (A Month)

June 06, 2022

I’ve continuously been on the road cycling for a month. That came quickly and incredibly slowly at the same time. It still feels like it was just yesterday as I rambled through the alleys of Séte, France.

Today I left Hamburg. I was really planning on a true rest day, but I extracted everything I need to out of the yesterday (miniatures and VR!). Also as today was Whit Monday nearly everything was closed with the exception of Döner and ice cream shops.

Exiting the city was a bit difficult and I took a few too many wrong turns as is probably expected. The weather looked marginal but broke into a sunny day. The path was mostly straight, with my plan to go north towards Denmark until I got too tired.

I made great time and took a lot of breaks. The wind was with me for some significant portions including perhaps an hour where I averaged 20mph (maybe an exaggeration…).

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At around 4 PM I got to Rendsburg, a port city with an amazing feat of bridge engineering. There is a high bridge that allows large vessels to pass without interference and transports rail traffic. However underneath it a gondola is suspended from the bridge which ferries traffic back and forth.

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I found a cheapie hotel for €42 just north for Rendsburg in Owschlag. I had an odd experience sitting on a bench where it felt like everyone passing was engaging with me to see if I was a hoodlum being trouble. Almost certainly projecting.

The hotel was quite nice and the manager equally wonderful. I found the one Döner place a ten minute walk away. I caused some confusion by asking for “ohne Soße” which, given my truly horrendous German pronunciation sounded like “only sauce”. It worked out.

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Bed time. I’m route planning. There are a large number of shelters that are free to use in Denmark and Sweden. I’m reading up on those and making some plans. I’m thinking I’ll continue on but go through Sweden and cutover to Norway as I get more north.

Written by Matt Pendergraft , musing on technology and random travelogue things