Annapurna Circuit Map

November 23, 2022

Another fun, large trip. I was in Nepal and India for a bit over a month and during that time I completed the Annapurna Circuit. I recorded all of the tracks with the Gaia. As a fun exercise I exported the geojson of each days tracks and imported them into qgis. Most of the mapping I’ve done in the past few years has used GDAL and other tools directly and generally using a general purpose programming language as declartive glue. An example was a project I did for a scientific visualization class which was really just interpolation of height of a some DEM keyframes over time.

In qgis I was surprised by, how what would previously have been a complicated task, was reasonably straightforward. I grabbed a DEM of the region, satellite imagery from an XYZ tile server, imported the routes, and worked a bit on some styling. I used the tool qgis2threejs to export and it just…worked. This was a couple hour project much of which was underlying the differences between ArcGIS which I have some familiarty and qgis. I didn’t fix the projection of day labels on the map as I didn’t mind the result but that could easily be remedied. All in it was a bit over 200 km with a lot of up.

I’d like to look at what building some of the tooling for this sort of workflow into clojurescript would look like. A project I have on the list is something that imports routes from the various recording tools I use (Mapmyrun, Komoot, Wahoo element, Gaia) for combined visualization and easy extension to other services. The plan is to plug away at that sometime in December.

Written by Matt Pendergraft , musing on technology and random travelogue things