Day 20-21 (Field of Sleeps)

May 28, 2022

The most boring day yet. At some point around 2 AM I woke up to some Italian guy coming into the hostel room, falling asleep on the floor and, I think shitting his pants. His friend than had what must have been night terrors as he started screaming.

I eventually got back to sleep to wake a couple hours late to pack up. Luckily my bike was still outside. I attribute this purely to my stealth tactics and not luck or overblown risk.

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I found a nice hotel immediately as I needed a good sleep and booked it. It was about 65 miles away and flat. No forest today. My body was tired but it was an easy and boring ride.

I passed through agricultural backroads most of the day.

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I took breaks to eat peanut butter. At one of those breaks a horse girl sauntered past glaring. At another there was some sort of roller coaster.

I discovered I can answer a FaceTime call and be visible and completely intelligible.

The day ended and I tucked into the guest house. I write this from the table after consuming a prodigious amount of meat, potatoes, and beer. I’ll have enough energy from this meal and a promised excellent breakfast to crush tomorrow if I so try.

Not sure what tomorrow holds yet. I may take a rest day and visit the nearby Baden-Baden bathhouses or go for a more adventurous climb day.

It turns out tomorrow was a rest day. I slept in, ate breakfast, and went to Friedrichsbad, a Roman-Irish Bathhouse in Baden-Baden. It was completely nude, which I selected intentionally as I didn’t pack a bathing suit. The bath house was built in the 1870s in a Romanesque style. It was a neat experience that rotated through a bunch of stations (shower, cold plunge, pool, warm pool, hot room, steam room, lotion, tea). I was there about two hours and throughly relaxed. I ended up biking twenty-six miles on a rest day unfortunately.

For dinner I had maultaschen which was sublime and perhaps as German as food can get. There was a birthday at the restaurant complete with an oom-pop-pop accordion.

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I did laundry.

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Written by Matt Pendergraft , musing on technology and random travelogue things